The Magnanimity of a Stranger

It was Teacher Appreciation Week at my childrens school. Of course we had to buy for every beloved teacher, whether she was our teacher this year or not, but I did not mind. Afterall, I am the Queen of Caffination and I have yet to meet a teacher that would say no to caffine.

We have a really nice natural grocer here in Austin, and after careful investigation I found out that they carried chocolate covered espresso beans. I was on cloud 9 thinking of my beans of caffine as I seemingly floated through the store. I checked out, as normal people do. I walked out of the store and I was abruptly knocked off of my cloud when a tall, lanky, dark-haired, heavy accented man stopped me dead front and center of the store. "I felt compelled to speak to you" he said in his seemingly french accent (I kind of felt like it was some candid camera trick). At that point he put his hand out. I didn't know what to do about that because it was weird and a lot uncomfortable. "I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves you and that he is waiting for you" he numinously stated. "I love Jesus too, he's my prophet" I replied and quickly walked off.

As I proceeded off the sidewalk another man seemed to lag behind, as if he too wanted to talk to me. I was having a bit of a strange day. My beloved coffee beans at hand and all of a sudden I was a very well-liked individual. I mumbled about the situation that had just occurred. And this man, looked over at me and said "I was watching him follow you around the store and I thought that it was strange. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok." I was astounded at this man's kindness, and my child-like temperment of not paying attention. "I'm from California and you don't see much of that there" he explained. I thanked him (and God) and walked on. He lagged behind to make sure that I had made it to my car (which was situated in the middle of a large outdoor parking area). I got in, locked my door and thanked God that there are still very good people out there.

I guess God sends protectors of every kind our way sometimes. For this stranger I am truely thankful.


  1. It is good to know people still cared.

    And yes, chocolate covered espresso beans are the best!

  2. Yikes! I disnt see the Jesus man coming! Thank God He sent you a guardian angel!


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