Don't Fire Muslims for Being Muslim - A Change.Org Petition against Whole Foods

Dear Whole Foods,

When I think of Whole Foods, I think of openness and progressive values. That's exactly what Glenn Mack, Jr. thought when he applied there for employment. But everything changed once his supervisor learned he practiced the Muslim faith.

In 2008, Glenn Mack, Jr. was hired at a Whole Foods and quickly ascended as an employee, earning accolades from employee of the quarter to a special meeting with CEO and founder John Mackey. In November of 2009, Mr. Mack was recruited to the Philadelphia, PA store located in the trendy art museum district. In August 2010, Glenn submitted a request, well in advance, to take 3 weeks off for vacation in November. His request was approved without issue. As November approached, his immediate supervisor asked where he was going. Glenn said he had been saving up to travel to the holy city of Mecca in order to perform the Muslim pilgrimage, a once in a lifetime opportunity. His supervisor was shocked to learn he was a Muslim and bluntly said he may not have his job when he came back.

In February of 2011, Glenn received a phone call saying he was terminated from employment for alleged absenteeism, the first time he was ever told of an absentee issue.

Now, despite nationwide media attention [], I am shocked to see Whole Foods is denying the incident altogether and putting up legal road blocks to Glenn's case. Furthermore, while Glenn has been applying to other jobs, he is about to get evicted from his apartment and has already lost his car.

I will not be shopping at Whole Foods until the company repudiates this act of discrimination, and I will ask my friends to do the same. An open, progressive image must not be a marketing ploy, but a set of values that are upheld. I demand that Whole Foods reinstate Glenn Mack, Jr., immediately, and compensate him for any lost wages which resulted from the company’s unlawful and discriminatory conduct.



[Your name]

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