Coming Soon...

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have gotten your questions and I am working on them :) I'm really happy that there has been such a flood of questions lately. I'm in my last month of pregnancy and getting online has proven to be a little difficult, but please keep the questions coming...and keep checking for new posts!



  1. Hi Mona. I need to ask you a question.
    I am a Japanese girl and my belief is Christianity.
    Recently I met another christian girl who is rather familiar with Islamism. And when we were talking about religions on internet, she mentioned the name of Prophet Muhammad and added something like "may peace be upon him". Though I already knew Muslims have this custom, I felt uneasy to see a non-muslim writing this without having a faith in him. I told her not to use the term if she has no Islamic belief herself, because I thought her expression may confuse people what her real belief is, and also might upset some of Muslims. But her answer was, it may not cause any problem. She thinks it is quite normal thing for non-believers to use the term in order to show respect for Islam. Now, can you tell me how do you feel if you hear a Christian saying 'May peace be upon him' each time after mentioning your Prophet's name?


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